
Are you having any trouble in navigating our site? Here is a list of our frequently asked questions…

Q: How do I sign up?
A: There are two ways to sign up at our site. Our goal was to make the site as easy to join as possible. You can either Register with your email or (more easily) at the Register page, just click the “Continue with Facebook” button.

Q: I am having trouble logging in. What can I do?
A: First off, how did you become a member at

If you logged in for the first time with the” Continue with Facebook” button, just click on the Facebook button every time you log in. That is your method.

Did you register with your email? If so, please be sure you have seen your welcome email and clicked on the activation link. We cannot let unverified users on our platform. That would just be crazy. 🙂 You may need to check your spam folder for our email as it may not be recognized by your filter.

Please be sure you are using the correct username (the one you chose when you registered) and password. If you can’t remember your password, click the “Lost Password” link on the Login page.

Q: What are notifications?
A: Your notifications let you know what interactions are taking place on your timeline. If someone likes or comments on your post or sends you a message or friendship request, it will show up in your notifications. You delete your notifications individually from the notifications page or delete them all at once by clicking the “Clear all notifications” link in the Notification Section of the page. (Note: If you have no notifications, the Notification Section is not displayed.)

Q: How do I comment, post or edit?
A: There are many ways to leave posts/comments (they also show up on your personal timeline.) You may, of course, comment on any story. Click the ‘comment’ button and leave your thoughts. Also, look for the ‘reply’ link, if you just want to reply to a comment. This creates what is called a thread.

Timeline: Our homepage is the timeline. It works like other social media websites. You can post photos, stories, links and they will appear on our timeline for everyone to see and, perhaps, comment. If you click on “My Profile” you can see your own personal timeline without seeing others’ posts.

You can also edit or delete your posts. From either your own timeline or from the main timeline just by clicking the corresponding buttons.

Q: How do I change my profile/cover photo?
A: That’s easy. Click the ‘My Profile” link from any navigation area or your profile pic or name any place on the site (except in the ‘Like’ area.) Once at your profile page, click either “Change Profile Photo” or “Change Cover Image.” It is pretty straight forward from there. You may need to crop if the dimensions are not correct.

Q: How do I surf the site?
A: Again, we have tried to make as easy and cooperative as possible. For example, when you surf our Main Timeline, use the simple drop-down menu at the top right to choose exactly what activity you would like to see. New members? Newest blog posts? Profile updates, friendships, groups and many other options to be sure that you are seeing exactly what you would like. Of course, if you want to see it all, just scroll down. “Everything” is automatically selected.

We strive to make it as simple as possible to interact with other users and visitors to

By clicking your own name or pic anywhere on (except in the “Like” button area. Clicking the ‘liked’ profile pics only takes you to the top of the page), you will be taken directly to “My Profile” and see the recent activity of your own timeline. Here, you can also upload a profile or cover photo.

Q: Why don’t you have an app?
A: We may not know anything about you but we do know this; you don’t need another BIG APP clogging up your device. Though we are just a website, is designed for maximum compatibility with all screens. Computer/laptop, tablets, phones and everything in between. We respect our users privacy and do not need to have access to all of the information on your device just so you can enjoy our site. Instead, enjoy it in 100% safety. Of course, you may share photos, videos, whatever from your phone, but, only at your own choice not ours. 🙂

note: all exif data is stripped from your images/videos as you upload it. We never have access to that information. Nor do we want to.

Q: I am getting too many emails. How do I control what you send me?
A: You can completely control the types of notifications that you receive via email from Just go to “My Profile”, select “Settings” and then choose “Email.” There are many options to enable or disable as you wish.

Q: I want to delete my account. How do I do this?
A: You can easily delete your account by going to “My Profile” -> “Settings” -> “Delete Account.” You can also request a download of everything you have ever uploaded/shared. Simply click “Export Data” BEFORE you delete the account.
Please be sure about this step because your account will be totally and irrevocably deleted. There will be no trace of it left when you delete it yourself. Everything you have ever done on our site will be gone. Poof.

How to delete your account.
How to delete your account.

Q: Do you track me? Do you know where I am?
A: We do not track you. As discussed before, we don’t make you download our app, therefore, we are not on your phone. We are not tracking your location. You can tell people where you are but that is your business. 🙂

In fact, your photos are even safe with us.

Most cameras these days always include “exif” data. This is type of camera, effect used, pixels, location, etc. Yes. Location. This is all included automatically in any photo you upload almost anywhere. But not here.

Our photo processing software strips all exif data from any images that you upload (to cut down on loading time.) 🙂 That means we never have it and neither will anyone else.

Q: How do I block someone?
A: Click on a ‘block’ button, either on another member’s profile, or on the
member list. Once blocked, neither member can send a message to the other. Each member’s profile pages become inaccessible, and display a simple message. Neither can view each other’s activity updates, or replies, and neither can send a friend request to one another.

How do I block someone?
How do I block someone?

If you are still having trouble, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

By Jr

I support Trump!

9 thoughts on “Get to know”
  1. I must say, that is impressive. I have been enjoying the site but didn’t realize it was so genius in it’s simplicity. I really like the comment edit feature. I tend to make some mistakes with my big fingers. I didn’t realize that existed and have now gone back and fixed all my typos. Lol. Thanks again for such a great site!

        1. I am assuming it was just a simple mistake made by their programmers. I guess they overlooked it. It certainly made us double and triple-check that we were stripping all that data during upload. None of our users will ever experience that.

  2. Thank you for creating such a nice website for us!! We really needed a place like this and I, for one, really appreciate the simplicity. Keep up the good work!

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