RE-WRITING HISTORY: Wikipedia Labels Jan 6th Protest As ‘Coup Attempt’
Wikipedia Editors Label Capitol Riot as ‘Coup’ Attempt, Slant Election-related Content | Donald Trump News
the Right social media. Take a break from the flakes.
Wikipedia Editors Label Capitol Riot as ‘Coup’ Attempt, Slant Election-related Content
The slip up was so bad that even the closed captioning picked it up.
Supreme Court Justices Coney-Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Chief Justice Roberts joined the liberal Supreme Court Justices to deny President Trump’s Pennsylvania election challenge.
Trump's speech Sunday at CPAC in Orlando is designed to show that he controls the party, whether or not he runs in 2024.
Viewer trust in Fox News has plummeted among supporters of former President Donald Trump since he lost the 2020 election to President Joe Biden, according to a new poll.
According to a new Rasmussen poll, a majority of Americans want Congress to investigate COVID death totals.
Former President Donald Trump will soon begin screening 2022 midterm candidates who are eager to forward “America First” policies while ensuring every open Republican seat has a MAGA-approved contender vying…
In a segment on Friday, U.S. time, Bernardi said it was clear to him that Biden isn’t up to the task he has been “sworn in to do.”
Trump’s speech will focus on “the future of the Republican Party and the conservative movement.”
Let’s make sure we are clear… This is not a vaccine. They are using the term “vaccine“ to sneak this under their public health exemptions.
One of Trump’s interviews he gave to honor Rush Limbaugh has been targeted for Big Tech censorship: Newsmax.
The president thanked the vice president for his service, told him he did a great job, and they’ve even had conservations since then, including even this week.
“We’re negotiating with a number of people,” he told Newsmax TV.
Big Trump vs. Big Tech; First Hints of Donald Trump 2024 Run
David Schoen pointed out the momentum behind Donald Trump after was acquitted in the Dem impeachment sham.
The rise of Big Trump: free-speech Trump Cloud infrastructure or a Trump-backed search engine or...
According to the Pentagon one-third of U.S. troops have refused to take a COVID-19 vaccine.
If you look at what’s going on with Twitter, I understand it’s become very boring, and millions of people are leaving, they’re leaving it because it’s not the same, and…
Bank of America “is, without the knowledge or the consent of its customers sharing private information with federal law enforcement agencies.”
Rush Limbaugh, talk radio legend, has now taken his place above America. The conservative icon has passed away at age 70.
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