Kamala Harris Begins Joe Biden Presidency ‘Takeover’Kamala Harris Begins Joe Biden Presidency ‘Takeover’

Opinion piece authored by Kyle Becker

Kamala Harris, one of the most unlikeable, unelectable, radical Democrats in America is now poised to become the President of the United States.

The drooling lefty media will call it “historic.” They will also call it “groundbreaking.” And they will pronounce in dulcet tones that she “shattered the glass ceiling.”

But the only thing she is about to “shatter” is Americans’ expectations.

If you have been shocked by the executive-order-fueled, anti-constitutional rampage the Biden administration has put on since its empty-suit presidential candidate was dragged into the White House, wait until you get a load of Ka-Ma-La.

Harris, who is renowned for having climbed her way up the political ranks on her kneepads, has now been taking Biden’s calls with world leaders.

The National Pulse noted that Biden was missing from a call with French President Emanuel Macron.

This is from the White House’s press readout:

“Vice President Kamala Harris spoke today with President Emmanuel Macron of France and expressed her commitment to strengthening bilateral ties between the United States and France and to revitalizing the transatlantic alliance. Vice President Harris and President Macron agreed on the need for close bilateral and multilateral cooperation to address COVID-19, climate change, and support democracy at home and around the world. They also discussed numerous regional challenges, including those in the Middle East and Africa, and the need to confront them together. The Vice President thanked President Macron for his leadership on the issue of gender equality and for France’s contribution to NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover.”

The National Pulse also reports that Harris also recently spoke with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. This is not typical behavior, especially considering what Joe Biden was doing this President’s Day weekend. Playing Mario Kart. No, seriously.

Look below:

Now, I’m a big fan of Mario Kart, don’t get me wrong. But I’m also not the President of the United States. Biden is in charge of the federal government’s coronavirus pandemic response.

He is in charge of keeping America safe from the rising threat from communist China. And he is in charge of doing something about the rolling blackouts in Texas.

If this were the Trump administration, and it probably should be, you would think Donald Trump playing a video game with Barron in the midst of such crises would be unconscionable.

It would be treated like a dereliction of duty tantamount to allowing America to transform into a post-apocalyptic hellscape.

Enter Kamala Harris.

While Joe Biden is beating up on his granddaughter on Mario Kart, America is about to be taken for a ride by a candidate who couldn’t even finish above fifth in the South Carolina primary, despite making 15 trips to the state.

She dropped out. Not even Democrats wanted her for president.

Biden, who was under intense pressure for such comments as “you ain’t black,” if you don’t vote for him, obviously picked Harris in an affirmative action bid. It appeared to many observers that the near-octagenarian Biden would potentially be passing the torch to the 56-year-old Harris early on in his administration.

This especially seemed to be the case with all of the Democrats’ 25th amendment talk, which seemed to be foreshadowing a potential stunt the Democrats might use to push Joe out.

Biden at times, after all, seemed to think he was running for U.S. Senate, and he even called Kamala Harris the “president-elect.”

This wasn’t when he was calling her spouse as “Kamala’s wife” and mistaking his sister for his wife.

Ka-Ma-La seems poised to step right in for her new role as president in the “Harris/Biden” administration. Except, perhaps, without the baggage of Joe Biden.

“A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States,” she blurted out and then quickly clarified, “The Biden-Harris administration will provide access to $100 billion in low-interest loans and investments from minority business owners.”

Donald Trump, just prior to the November election, made an ominous prediction about the fate of Joe Biden and who America was likely to see become its Commander-in-Chief.

“Joe Biden will never call the shots and if he does, he’s not going to be there very long. He’s got a vice president who’s further left than Bernie Sanders, who is not a particularly good person and she would be, I think, a terrible first representative,” Trump said.

“If she became the first woman president, I think it would be a terrible thing for our country. I think it would be a terrible thing for women,” he concluded.

Authored by Kyle Becker via BeckerNews.com

By Jr

I support Trump!

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