246 Fully Vaccinated MI Residents Diagnosed With COVID…3 DIED, State Leads Nation In New COVID Cases Per Population, As Gov Whitmer’s Irrational Lockdown Proves To Be Epic Fail246 Fully Vaccinated MI Residents Diagnosed With COVID…3 DIED, State Leads Nation In New COVID Cases Per Population, As Gov Whitmer’s Irrational Lockdown Proves To Be Epic Fail

On so many levels, Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s irrational COVID shutdowns have been an epic fail. From placing COVID-positive patients into nursing homes with Michigan’s most vulnerable citizens to sitting back while citizens in her state were arrested and charged for daring to keep their businesses open as a matter of survival—Governor Whitmer has exposed herself as an overreaching politician with a lust for power, who lacks both compassion for others and common sense.

246 Fully Vaccinated MI Residents Diagnosed With COVID…3 DIED, State Leads Nation In New COVID Cases Per Population, As Gov Whitmer’s Irrational Lockdown Proves To Be Epic Fail
246 Fully Vaccinated MI Residents Diagnosed With COVID…3 DIED, State Leads Nation In New COVID Cases Per Population, As Gov Whitmer’s Irrational Lockdown Proves To Be Epic Fail

Now, after one year of some of the most restrictive lockdown orders, Michigan is reporting the highest number of COVID positive cases per population in America.

So much for locking citizens down to prevent the spread of the Wuhan virus…

As it turns out, the push for the HIGHLY recommended COVID vaccinations in Michigan is also not going as smoothly as the Democrat governor had hoped.

The Detroit News reports – As many as 246 Michigan residents considered fully vaccinated against COVID-19 were later diagnosed with the virus, and three have died, state officials, confirmed Monday.

The cases were reported between Jan. 1 and March 31, and the 246 had a positive test 14 or more days after the last dose in the vaccine series, said Lynn Sutfin, a spokeswoman for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, in an email.

“Some of these individuals may ultimately be excluded from this list due to continuing to test positive from a recent infection prior to being fully vaccinated,” she said.

“These cases are undergoing further review to determine if they meet other CDC criteria for determination of potential breakthrough, including the absence of a positive antigen or PCR test less than 45 days prior to the post-vaccination positive test. In general, these persons have been more likely to be asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic compared with vaccinated persons.”

On Monday, Michigan surpassed 700,000 cases and still leads the nation in new cases by population.

story and photo source: https://100percentfedup.com

By Jr

I support Trump!

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