General Flynn Breaks Down The Fraud, “100% This President Is Going To Continue In Office”General Flynn Breaks Down The Fraud, “100% This President Is Going To Continue In Office”

You may have already seen General Flynn’s interview with Alex Jones from a few days ago, but we had to share this with you.

Someone did an incredible job of editing the interview and shortening it down to just the bombshell parts.

We thought this was excellent, and if you haven’t seen it yet or even if you want to watch again, this will give you great encouragement!

General Flynn is an incredible American and he is telling the truth!

Watch as he says it is 100% that President Trump will continue in office.

Please enjoy:

Here is a screenshot of some of the great comments from youtube:

Comments about the General Flynn Alex Jones interview on youtube.
Comments about the General Flynn Alex Jones interview on youtube.

And since that will probably be banned faster than we can post this article, no worries!

We’ve got a backup on Rumble.

Watch here:

Alex Jones interviews General Michael Flynn on where we are on the election, covid, whats in the future.
January 5, 2021

By Jr

I support Trump!

12 thoughts on “General Flynn Breaks Down The Fraud, “100% This President Is Going To Continue In Office””
  1. Theoretically, Mike Flynn is 100% correct and President Trump must protect the Constitution and use his state of emergency powers to trigger the necessary action to stop the steal” and arrest parties involved and indict them. But with just two days to go, President Trump will most probably not dare take such action knowing the reaction of the left would most definitely result in civil war.

    1. They’re coming after us anyway. IF we let them steal this election it is over. They are going to turn all the Gov Agencies against Conservatives and persecute them with Abuse of Power as they’ve been doing with the “Russia Gate”, ban us from access to money, jobs, speech, guns, etc. The fight is NOW; not later. Later is TOO LATE.

  2. President Trump has sworn that he will faithfully execute the
    Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of his ability,
    preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    The speaker of the House and all members of Congress have sworn
    (or affirmed) that they will support and defend the Constitution of the United
    States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that they will bear true
    faith and allegiance to the same.

    I assume members of the Supreme Court and all other Justices
    have taken similar oaths.

    Given the above, all have full and unquestionable and full responsibility
    to deal with the proven evidence of massive proven voter fraud carried out by enemies
    of the country, both foreign (ItalyGate, China controlling ItalyGate) and
    domestic (2020 General Election 6+ states and for President). 

    President Trump has attempted to meet his sworn obligation. Many
    members of Congress have not only failed but have consciously failed to meet theirs.
    In fact, they have consistently stood in the way of justice and the truth. It is apparent that the oaths taken by many were
    and are meaningless. If the reported and proven election fraud, both
    domestically and from foreign sources had been investigated and the true
    results determined and implemented, election integrity and our faith in the
    system would have been restored Unfortunately January 20 is too late.

  3. I read comments and a lot of people are thinking like me excetpt this. Our President Trump has been keeping notes on all the BS the dems have done to him and this country. The reason he didn’t do it 2 years ago is because he wanted to catch them red handed. He set them up for failure. It’s either Trump that does this or the American Patriot will. I think Trump has it all figured out. This is going to be efin good!!!!

  4. We have seen Trump actions that verify his awareness of the Pilgrim Society/Deep State Globalists and the involvement of the FBI and CIA. Pounds of documents to be released tomorrow are going to solidify the facts of conspiracies against Trump as well as illegal acts and treason of other U.S. officials.

    Those working against America are in real panic and fear that they will be exposed and their gravy train rides terminated.

    We must pray that an action plan has been initiated to save our Republic.

  5. We have seen Trump actions that verify his awareness of the Pilgrim Society/Deep State Globalists and the involvement of the FBI and CIA. Pounds of documents to be released today are going to solidify the facts of conspiracies against Trump as well as illegal acts and treason of other U.S. officials.

    Those working against America are in real panic and fear that they will be exposed and their gravy train rides terminated.

    We must pray that an action plan has been initiated to save our Republic.

  6. Man. I wish there was a laughing emoji. I would certainly use it. I guarantee you that Trump is leaving office. Why are you guys still in this fantasy world. There was fraud and he is not going to be your president anymore after Wednesday. He already has his last flight on Air Force 1 booked to land in FLA just before Biden is sworn in. Please, please, please accept reality!

    1. I will look into a laughing emoji just for you. Lol. I think the best I could do today would be a down vote. Would that be enough?

  7. Man. I wish there was a laughing emoji. I would certainly use it. I guarantee you that Trump is leaving office. Why are you guys still in this fantasy world. There was no fraud and he is not going to be your president anymore after Wednesday. He already has his last flight on Air Force 1 booked to land in FLA just before Biden is sworn in. Please, please, please accept reality!

    1. I will look into a laughing emoji just for you. Lol. I think the best I could do today would be a down vote. Would that be enough?

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